Windows Repair Toolbox is a utility that allows you to fix errors in the system registry. If you want to download the application for free in Russian, you can do it on this page.
Windows Repair Toolbox review
All tools are united by a single interface, which greatly simplifies the work and better reveals the functionality of the product. Just all the components have a separate category, and placed in special tabs, so navigation in the interface as implemented at a high level.
With this package, you can use anti-viruses, tools for real-time device monitoring, tools to recover lost or damaged files. Most of them work in automatic mode and are completely undemanding for users.
You’ll also have access to a powerful hardware and platform diagnostics utility that can detect and fix all the most common bugs, glitches, and malfunctions. Therefore, just one product can replace dozens of other alternative applications.
The program:
- restores the original setting that may have been modified if the computer is infected;
- will fit when installing programs;
- will make the browser work more stable, reliable.
In fact, thanks to this utility, you can count on a more even and good performance of your own PC. No one is immune to errors, so having a program will protect against such moments.
Selecting the desired type of installation, a special window will appear. It allows you to learn as much detail as possible about the actions that are proposed there to perform. It also allows you to configure the desired parameters. Checks can differ from each other only in how many settings, as well as how much time to spend on it all. A restore point will make the system work again after programmatic, unlikely errors.
The application is completely free, there is no need to invest your own money in it. You just need to download, install the program and soon you will feel the positive aspects of the utility on your PC. There is nothing complicated in the installation, you do not need to be a professional.
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License: FreeWare
Windows Repair Toolbox – (9.1 Mb)
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