Marked 2.6.41 MacOS

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Marked 2 is a software entirely focused on checking text markup and getting comprehensive statistics. Marked is designed to display text files (Markdown, Fountain, CriticMarkup, etc.) in a preset or your own CSS theme. Write an article and immediately see how it will look on your site.


Marked review

The nice thing is that Marked is completely editor-independent and will handle any text files you drag into its icon.
For those writing a book or something big in Scrivener, Marked will also be useful. It “understands” Scrivener projects and displays all the chapters in a document nicely. If you work in another editor, you can create the table of contents for multi-page documents manually. To do this, create an file with links to all pages using the <<Folder/File Name Template>>. This trick will help you export a multi-page document into a single HTML or PDF file.

The application can take into account a large number of parameters. For example, we can get the approximate reading time. In short, the writer will have much more work. You can find out a lot of information about your text, sometimes things you would never expect to see.

Marked 2 has some interesting features and fixes:

  • The engine has been rewritten from scratch and seems to move faster. The difference should be felt by those who work with multi-page documents, such as a book.
  • MarsEdit and VoodooPad support
  • support for MultiMarkdown 4.2 and Fountain (markup for writers)
  • support for previews from the clipboard (press ShiftCmdV on the Marked window)
  • all the links are checked to make sure they work
  • appeared automatic tracking of the specified folder (drag and drop it on the icon), Marked will automatically display the last changed document in its window
  • Export results to DOC, DOCX, ODT and RTFD

Automatic folder monitoring has proven to be a very smart feature. If you have Alfred, try my workflow for working with Marked. The md command will open the last document in the folder you specified (correct my path), and the md name_document command will open the file with the specified name.
The next killer feature is displaying duplicates in the text. Some people call duplicates keywords, others call them filler. But for me, they are handy for simple SEO and clear the text of “bad” words.

Repetitions are great, but it’s more interesting to highlight words and phrases from your own database. Let’s say you use the words “could”, “easier”, “if” a lot. You can enter them in the settings and Marked will highlight their frequency.
The Marked window itself also has a special form where you can specify a list of random words. Conveniently, you can enter the key phrases you want to optimize the text for.

Whats new:

  • Marked 2 is ready for Monterey

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Marked review

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Requirements: MacOS X 10.10 or later 64-bit

Marked 2.6.41 – (25.1 Mb)

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